Rural Development in India

-10% Rural Development in India
India had reached a turning point in its long and arduous struggle for socio-economic development. In the 21st century India continues to live in villages. This make it obvious that any process of planning and development in India can hardly succeed without transferring its rural society. The approach to successive five year plans envisages ‘growth, equity, social justice, self-reliance, improved efficiency and productivity as its guiding principles. As a strategy to achieve these objectives, it calls for a ‘sharper focus on employment generation and poverty alleviation’ through rural development programmes. It is believed that provision of productive employment will help people to stand on their own feet and work with self-confidence and self-respect which will in turn help in people’s participation in developmental tasks. It is felt that information, education and training can play a critical role in creating awareness among the beneficiaries, equipping them with skills required in the process of being able to sustain their own upgradation and inculcating an attitude wherein they view themselves as part and planners of rural development programme. The book attempts to give the philosophy, policy and programme intervention for rural development in India. The book divided into seventeen chapters, which covers Freire’s and Gandhian philosophy on rural development, Swarnanayanti Gramsarozgar Yojana, Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana, People’s Campaign for 9th Plan, NGOs in rural development, Literacy, post-literacy and continuing education for rural development, Universities and rural development, Nehruyavakendras, Etension, TRYSEM, ICDS, Self-Help Groups and Community, Polytechnics for rural training. The book will prove to be of immense interest and invaluable reading or social scientists, planners, policy makers, rural administrators, NGOs alongwith students and teachers of sociology, Rural Development, Economics, Social Work, Home Science, Adult Continuing Education and Extension.
Author P. Gopinandhan Pillai
Binding Hardcover
Edition 1
ISBN 978-81-7132-554-2
Language English
Number Of Pages xii+315
Publication Year 2019
Publisher Pointer Publishers, Jaipur

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  • Product Code: 978-81-7132-554-2
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