Eco-Friendly and Non Hazardous Management of Pests

-25% Eco-Friendly and Non Hazardous Management of Pests
Plant diseases were known to man when organized agriculture came into existence and when man had to move to other areas in search of food. In spite of many thousand years of progress in human civilization, based on great scientific advances and also the opening of new frontiers in scientific agriculture, it remains a stark truth even today that a very large proportion of world population still remains underfed, undernourished or even starved. Disease is a state of abnormality, which develops through interaction of a host and parasite under suitable environmental conditions. The plant diseases can be efficiently controlled by the application of chemicals such as fungicides, bactericides, insecticides etc., but these are not permanent methods and on the contrary they pollute the environment and at times are hazardous to human health. Hence, there is need to reduce the load of synthetic chemical pesticides in an effort to provide for safer foods and a cleaner environment. Development of breeding of disease resistant varieties of crop plants is also an efficient, practically feasible and economically ideal method of disease management. Now more use of physical methods, bio-pesticides and exploitation of native plant resources in plant protection is needed. Scientists world over have paid attention to develop eco-friendly and non-hazardous means of plant disease control. This book, Eco-friendly and non-hazardous Management of Plant Diseases is a unique and comprehensive book with critical reviews in the area. The book contains 24 chapters which include information regarding management of plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes and insects mainly of cereals, pulses, spices, vegetables, fruits mushrooms etc. The various eco-friendly management measures discussed include use of physical and cultural methods of microbial antagonists, botanicals, VAM fungi etc. The book shall be of a great help to teachers, researchers, students and persons engaged in the field of Seed Technology, Plant Pathology, Seed Pathology, Horticulture, Agro-forestry, Entomology, Nematology and others interested in different branches of Botany and Agriculture.
Author T. Singh and K. Agrawal
Binding Hardcover
Edition 1
ISBN 978-81-7910-325-8
Language English
Number Of Pages xii+271
Publication Year 2010
Publisher Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur

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  • Product Code: 978-81-7910-325-8
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