Climate Change and Crop Production

-10% Climate Change and Crop Production
Climate change refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. Either way, the climate system is extremely complex and relatively poorly understood. This is notably so in terms of extent, timing and impact. Thus, the knowledge and understanding of implications of climate change at the national level is inadequate and fragmentary. International efforts to address climate change began with the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992. The importance and significance of the vulnerability of natural and human systems to climatic changes and adaptation to such changes is increasingly being realized. According to Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and World Meteorological Organization, climate change can adversely impact global environment, agricultural productivity and the quality of human life. More importantly in developing countries, it will be difficult for farmers to carry on farming in the increased temperatures. Developing countries, India in particular vulnerable to climate variability and climate change as farming depends largely on the quality of the rainy season. Fluctuations in areas planted to arable crops and annual yield are directly related to climate conditions and notably to rainfall and rainfall pattern. Recognizing this, it is necessary that India should address the issue of climate change and focus on providing better environment to improve quality of human life. There are indications that climate change could have serious negative effects on food security, economic activity, human and animal health, water resources and biodiversity. In order to discuss on these issues, an International Conference on Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Public Leadership was organized in New Delhi by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership that came out with a set of recommendations, as a way forward for addressing the issues related to the future climate scenario, Indian agriculture and food security. Thirty articles out of 122 papers presented during the Conference were shortlisted for further refinement to create this synthesis volume titled ‘Climate Change and Crop Production’ that highlights the issues such as Climate Resilient Agriculture, Environmental Degradation & Conservation Agriculture, Forecasting & Simulations, Socio-Economics, Policy & Public Leadership, Agroforestry & Allied Systems and Animal Science, Fisheries & Allied Sectors.
Author J.C. Dagar, A. Arunachalam & A. K. Singh
Binding Hardcover
Edition 1
ISBN 978-81-7910-440-8
Language English
Number Of Pages xx+315
Publication Year 2022
Publisher Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur

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  • Product Code: 978-81-7910-440-8
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